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Thumbn 2 #!/usr/bin/perl -WT # crawls down dir tree and generates thumbs/ dirs then generates and saves thumbnails to the thumbs/ dir. # usage: # ls -1 *.JPG | xargs -i{} ./ {} # dir ./thumb must already created. # # OR # find pics/ \( -iname *.jpg -o -iname *.jpeg -o -iname *.png -o -iname *.gif -o -iname *.tif -o -iname *.tiff \) -exec ./ {} \; # # to remove all the 'thumbs' directories: # find pics/ -type d -name thumbs -exec rm -rf {} \; use strict; use warnings; use Image::Magick; use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitpath); my $thumbX = 75; my $thumbY = 50; my $thumbxMid = 640; my $thumbyMid = 480; my $filename = shift; my ($drive, $dir, $file) = splitpath ($filename); my $fileMid = $file; if( $dir =~ /thumbs\/*$/ ){exit;} print " dir=$dir, file=$file\n"; genDir($dir); $file =~ s/(\..*?)$/_thumb$1/; if($1 !~ /\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff)/i){exit;} $fileMid =~ s/(\..*?)$/_thumb_Mid$1/; if($1 !~ /\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff)/i){exit;} if(!-e "$dir/thumbs/$file"){ my $image = Image::Magick->new (); $image->ReadImage ($filename); my ($height, $width) = $image->Get ('height', 'width'); my ($x, $y) = $height < $width ? ($thumbX, $thumbY) : ($thumbY, $thumbX); $image->Thumbnail (width=>$x, height=>$y); $image->Write ("$dir/thumbs/$file"); } if(!-e "$dir/thumbs/$fileMid"){ my $image = Image::Magick->new (); $image->ReadImage ($filename); my ($height, $width) = $image->Get ('height', 'width'); my ($x, $y) = $height < $width ? ($thumbxMid, $thumbyMid) : ($thumbyMid, $thumbxMid); $image->Thumbnail (width=>$x, height=>$y); $image->Write ("$dir/thumbs/$fileMid"); } sub genDir { my($dir) = @_; if(!-e "$dir/thumbs"){mkdir "$dir/thumbs";} } # end sub genDir. |
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Page last modified on March 26, 2010, at 04:18 AM |