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Other-guns-portable Bench


For times on the range when one needs to reload, test loads, develop loads, a portable bench reloading station is handy.

the following was inspired after seeing the ones built/used by Sherman and Scott. doing some searches on the net for something simular, I couldn't find any plans per se, so what I cam up with is the following:

portable reloading box ~ 14.5"w x 12.5"d x 9.75"h


  • the 'back' goes between the two sides.
  • I used 'cabinet screws' so they didn't have to be pre drilled.
  • I ruffed up the matting surfaces before I glued them.
  • I used my rcbs press so I could use my foster micrometer setting die, that way there would be no difference from shop to range.
  • I put low profile rubber feet on mine to help protect the bottom a little bit.


mounted full size press.

\\ \\note: the press handle has been replaced \\with a 1foot threaded rod, \\bent to allow full press stroke.

the cut plan follows with the idea of maximizing yield and funtion of being stable as one does the reloading.
One can get two of these portable benches out of a quarter sheet of plywood.

cut plan on a 1/4 sheet of plywood

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Page last modified on March 25, 2012, at 12:49 AM
