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Computers-hardware-arduino-hello World For Nokia 6610 "hello world" test of the nokia 6610 shield"this is a simple test of the nokia 6610 shield from nuelectronics. Had to update my arduino ide to v17 and the sub system [more] This should produce a "hello world" on the bottom of the nokia's screen. nokia_lcd_helloWorld.pde :: // Simple test of // nokia 6610 lcd sheild from // // This should produce a "hello world" on the bottom of the screen. // I used: // Freeduino V1.16, with ATMEGA328 // Color LCD & Joystick shield for Arduino (nokia 6610) // arduino IDE v17 .. should work on v11 // ubuntu 8.04LTS with manual ugrade of // bintutils-2.20 // gcc-4.3.3 // avr-libc-1.6.7 #include "Nokia_lcd.h" Nokia_lcd lcd=Nokia_lcd(); void setup(void){ DDRB=0x2F; LCD_BACKLIGHT(1); lcd.cLCD_Init(); lcd.cLCD_Box(0,0,131,131,FILL,WHITE); } void loop(void) { lcd.cLCD_String("hello world", 30, 100, BLACK, WHITE); delay(10); } |
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Page last modified on October 20, 2009, at 02:58 PM |